Mission statement HOPOS

Our Vision


«Our vision is to be heard as an equal partner in the healthcare system and to participate in important political and social issues and decisions. With a unified voice, we want to represent the concerns of blood cancer patients in Switzerland and contribute towards the sustainable improvement of the legal and regulatory framework.»

Our Mission


Switzerland is a small, federalist country with a large number of different patient organizations. There are also many different patient groups in the field of cancer and blood cancer. They are usually volunteers and have limited resources. They also often face similar barriers: lack of information, difficult fundraising, hurdles with the authorities, clarification of the patient's role in the system, unresolved legal, medical, and social issues. For this reason, HOPOS has three main purposes:

Intensified public relations work

We go public together and inform the population from the patient's point of view about hurdles in the Swiss health system and present solutions. We communicate in a target group-oriented way in various traditional and modern media (print press, online media, social media). We aim to raise a broad awareness with public national campaigns in three national languages. Within this context, we take part in public debates on relevant topics. We conduct joint campaigns and events in order to feel the pulse of the grassroots and to adequately represent patients in the cause.

Health policy influence

HOPOS networks politically and seeks regular exchange with all relevant stakeholders in the health system. As an equal discussion partner, HOPOS contributes towards ensuring that the patient perspective is seen and included. HOPOS actively represents the interests of blood cancer patients in national bodies from politics, business, authorities, and service providers. At the same time, affected patients are informed about their legal, medical, and social options. HOPOS brings their needs, experiences, and concerns to the table in national bodies. Conversely, HOPOS supports the patient organizations on issues that are of importance to the patients of all organizations.
A say in research

We are committed to ensuring that the patient perspective is included in the planning of new medical developments. As an important partner of institutions and companies conducting clinical studies in Switzerland, we would like to be informed and involved accordingly when patient-relevant questions arise, e.g., in study design. Conversely, we can sensitize and call upon our members and patrons to participate in certain studies. On our website, we regularly provide information about ongoing and future studies, interim results, and approvals, so that innovations are made available to patients as quickly and with as low a threshold as possible.

We follow these five guiding principles:

We act ethically and morally correctly and independently.
We want to sustainably strengthen and improve the situation of blood cancer patients in Switzerland.
We want to discuss and develop solutions together and on an equal footing with relevant stakeholders in the health sector.
We act as a hub and pivot between the national bodies and the patient organizations and their members.
We want to close information gaps and assume a mediating role.
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