Health policy

HOPOS networks with key players in the Swiss healthcare system, always with a focus on strengthening the voice of patients and making their concerns heard.

Our goals

Include patient opinion in all decisions affecting patients, such as the planning and approval process for new medicines, the pricing of approved and new medicines, and consultation with authorities, health, and disability insurers on cost approvals.

Achieving our goals

HOPOS represents patients' opinions through a constantly updated website, by organizing discussion groups and media appearances with other stakeholders in the Swiss health system. HOPOS is also committed to knowledge sharing among its member organizations.

Statement animal testing

No to the initiative to ban animal and human experimentation: Statement of the umbrella organization HOPOS

On February 13, 2022, the Swiss electorate will vote on the initiative to ban animal and human experimentation. The initiative demands that "animal experiments and experiments on humans are prohibited." There are exceptions only if an experiment is in the overriding interest of the animal, for example, and if the experiment is promising. HOPOS recommends a No to this initiative because it endangers the health care of patients.

Is the opinion formation of HOPOS influenced by sponsorship?

Unfortunately, patient organizations in Switzerland receive little or no support from the public sector. Despite the voluntary work, the maintenance of the umbrella organization must be financed; generally, or project-related. Most of the financial support comes from the pharmaceutical industry. In order to be able to act independently despite this, we have imposed strict “guidelines for cooperation with third parties” on ourselves.
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